Python Course - Learn Python Programming, MongoDB, Django...

Given my background in science and with limitted knowledge of Python this was my start point of relearning programming. This course was complimented by work on

While it was nice to get back into programming this course was very much at the beginners level and therefore I knew a lot of the information already. However it did provide some extra knoledge that I had missed and gave very brief introductions in Django and MongoDB. This list of modules covered is as follows:

  1. Basics of Python Programming Language
  2. Object Oriented Programming, Inheritance, Garbage Collection
  3. File Processing
  4. Python with SQLite
  5. Python for XML Related Tasks
  6. HTML, CSS
  7. Django
  8. Cloud Computing & MongoDB
  9. Tkinter
  10. How To Use Python For Other Technologies, such as PIL and wxPython

A full description of the course can be found at and my certificate of completion can be seen here.

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